The 4th WIRE-X Consortium event was held on December 9 at the UEC Alliance Center. Professor Erik G. Larsson from Linköping University was invited and gave a fascinating talk titled “Distributed MIMO and Beyond.” A total of 53 members from various companies and universities participated in the event and engaged in lively networking.
11月1日に米国Northeastern大学にて,石橋教授が「Rethinking Cell and PHY: New Approaches for Dependable Wireless Systems」の題目で招待セミナーを行いました.セミナーには,Northeastern大学 Josep M. Jornet教授,Ken R. Duffy教授,マサチューセッツ工科大学(MIT) Muriel Médard教授を含む多数の学生が参加されました.
Prof. Ishibashi gave an invited talk titled “Rethinking Cell and PHY: New Approaches for Dependable Wireless Systems” at Northeastern University in Boston, MA, USA on November 1. Numerous participants including Prof. Josep M. Jornet and Prof. Ken R. Duffy from Northeastern University, Prof. Muriel Médard in Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), as well as many students participated in the event.
Samar Elmaadawy (Ph.D. candidate in Electrical and Computer Engineering at Northeastern University in Boston, MA, USA) visited our university and gave an interesting talk titled “Developing Guidelines for Safe Human Exposure to Terahertz Radiation.”
発表題目は「ネットワーク全二重通信セルフリー大規模 MIMO における 潜在的盗聴者への情報漏洩抑制に関する一検討」でした。[詳細]
Our member, Koshi Okui, gave a presentation at IEICE RCS conference held at The University of Electro-Communications, Japan. The title of the presentation was “A Study on Suppression of Information Leakage to Potential Eavesdroppers in Network-Assisted Full-Duplex Cell-Free Massive MIMO Systems” [more]
本研究室の照井貫太さん(修士2年)が2024年10月7日(月)~10月10日(木)にアメリカのワシントンDCで開催されたIEEE Vehicular Technology Conference(VTC)2024-Fallにおいて発表を行い、IEEE VTS Tokyo / Japan Chapter 2024 Young Researcher’s Encouragement Awardを受賞しました。
Our member, Kanta Terui, gave a presentation at IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference(VTC)2024-Fall held in Washington DC, USA, and received the Young Researcher’s Encouragement Award from IEEE VTS Tokyo / Japan Chapter 2024.
Title: Robust Beamforming With Multi-Panel Array for mmWave Channels Over Mobility and Blockage
Our member, Kanta Terui, received the Young Researcher Award of Special Session for Beginners at IEICE RCS conference. This year, 41 papers have been presented in the session. Every papers were evaluated through 10 mins short presentation and 70 mins poster presentation. [more]