Information for Applicants

Thank you for your interest in our laboratory.

We are investigating the vast area of communication technologies in order to make our world more fascinating. We are now working on several projects on Beyond 5G/6G, physical-layer security for the post-quantum era, ultra-low power communications with RF energy harvesting, cell-free network, and more in collaboration with professors and researchers not only in Japan but also in foreign countries such as Germany, Cyprus, Singapore, Korea, and so on.

Thus, our laboratory applicants should be:

  • able to work with people with different cultures;
  • able to work in an engineering environment; and
  • proficient at computer programming and/or mathematics

If you are interested in working with me, please contact me via email with your CV,  selected works, and a letter of reference.

Contact Information:

Koji Ishibashi, Ph.D
email : koji [at mark]


研究室の基本的な紹介、研究内容については [こちら] を、共同研究などのプロジェクトについては [こちら] をそれぞれご覧ください。特に、エナジーハーベスティングに関する研究内容の詳細は [こちら] を、Beyond 5G/6Gに向けた無線アクセス網の研究開発については、 [こちら] の記事をそれぞれご参照ください。


  • 海外で働くこと、研究をすることに興味がある
  • 文化の違いを理解し、それを尊重できる
  • 自分はこうなりたいというビジョンと意欲がある



Contact Information:

石橋 功至
email : koji [at mark]

For Ultimate Reliability of Communications