Presented at SITA 2024

Our lab members, Kabuto Arai, Takumi Yoshida, Kohei Ueda and Kanta Terui have presented their recent works in 47th Symposium on Information Theory and its Application (SITA) at Fukui, Japan.







Upper Mid-Bandにおける地上-衛星間周波数共有のための上空への放射電力制約を考慮したビームフォーミング設計



WIRE-X consortium talk by Prof. Erik G. Larsson from Linköping University

The 4th WIRE-X Consortium event was held on December 9 at the UEC Alliance Center. Professor Erik G. Larsson from Linköping University was invited and gave a fascinating talk titled “Distributed MIMO and Beyond.” A total of 53 members from various companies and universities participated in the event and engaged in lively networking.


Invited Seminar at Northeastern University

11月1日に米国Northeastern大学にて,石橋教授が「Rethinking Cell and PHY: New Approaches for Dependable Wireless Systems」の題目で招待セミナーを行いました.セミナーには,Northeastern大学 Josep M. Jornet教授,Ken R. Duffy教授,マサチューセッツ工科大学(MIT) Muriel Médard教授を含む多数の学生が参加されました.

Prof. Ishibashi gave an invited talk titled “Rethinking Cell and PHY: New Approaches for Dependable Wireless Systems” at Northeastern University in Boston, MA, USA on November 1. Numerous participants including Prof. Josep M. Jornet and Prof. Ken R. Duffy from Northeastern University, Prof. Muriel Médard in Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), as well as many students participated in the event.