Accepted for Publication in The IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications

以下の論文がIEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (IF 8.9)に採録されました。
大阪大学の高橋先生と石橋先生の共著論文「Bayesian Bilinear Inference for Joint Channel Tracking and Data Detection in Millimeter-Wave MIMO Systems」[詳細]

大阪大学の伊藤くんと石橋先生の共著論文「Joint Channel, CFO, and Data Estimation via Bayesian Inference for Multi-User MIMO-OFDM Systems」[詳細]

内村くんの論文「Joint Design of Equalization and Beamforming for Single-Carrier MIMO Transmission Over Millimeter-Wave and Sub-Terahertz Channels」[詳細]

上田くんの論文「Exploiting Low-Density Signal Structure via Approximate Message Passing With Side Information for Grant-Free NOMA」[詳細]

Following papers have been accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (IF 8.9).
Prof. Takahashi (Osaka Univ.) and Prof. Ishibashi’s paper entitled “Bayesian Bilinear Inference for Joint Channel Tracking and Data Detection in Millimeter-Wave MIMO Systems.” [available here]

K. Ito (Osaka Univ.) and Prof. Ishibashi’s paper entitled “Joint Channel, CFO, and Data Estimation via Bayesian Inference for Multi-User MIMO-OFDM Systems.” [available here]

Sota’s paper entitled “Joint Design of Equalization and Beamforming for Single-Carrier MIMO Transmission Over Millimeter-Wave and Sub-Terahertz Channels.” [available here]

Kohei’s paper entitled “Exploiting Low-Density Signal Structure via Approximate Message Passing With Side Information for Grant-Free NOMA.” [available here]

Presented at CCNC 2025

2025年1月10日(金)〜1月13日(月)にアメリカのラスベガスで開催されたIEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC) 2025において、本研究室のFaurdoir Ndimumahoroさんの研究成果を共著者の石橋先生が発表しました。
発表題目は「Distortion-Aware Clustering for Cell-Free Massive MIMO Under Backhaul Capacity Limitation」でした。

Our member Faurdoir Ndimumahoro’s paper was presented by co-author Prof. Ishibashi at IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC) 2025 held at Las Vegas, USA.
The title of the presentation was “Distortion-Aware Clustering for Cell-Free Massive MIMO Under Backhaul Capacity Limitation.”

Presented at IEICE RCS



Our member, Rui Kunii, Ryoji Kanzaki, Yuya Mito  gave presentations at IEICE RCS conference held at Hakodate, Japan.





Kunii’s presentation title:

Efficient Multi-Hop Transmission Using Adaptive Encryption-then-Compression Based on CRC-Aided Polar Codes



Kanzaki’s presentation title:

Joint Estimation Method of User-Activity, Carrier Frequency Offset, and Channel Coefficient for Cell-Free Massive MIMO




Mito’s presentation title:

Design of Scalable Network-Assisted Full-Duplex Cell-Free Massive MIMO Based on Energy Efficiency Maximization