We have the following research projects in FY 2022:
- EIG CONCERT JAPAN (FY2021-FY2023 w/ Jacobs University Bremen, State Agency Spanish National Research Council, TÜBİTAK, 横浜国立大学, 東京理科大学)
- 将来社会を支える次世代IoTのための有機的レジリエント・セキュア無線ネットワーク (ORACLE)
- This Europe-Japan collaborative project ORACLE will focus on Organically Resilient and Secure Wireless Networks as the key to enable next-generation IoT technologies so as to serve future societies with safe, resilient, and secure connectivity. Prof. Ishibashi is a leader of Japan side.
- ウェブサイトはこちら ( website is here )
- AdCORP (FY2023-FY2026 w/ University of Southern California Viterbi School, 大阪大学, 東京工業大学)
- グリーンIoT:サイバー空間でフィジカル空間を再構成するための次世代基盤技術
- 科研費基盤B KAKEN-B (FY 2022 – FY2025, w/ Doshisha Univ. and Osaka Univ.)
- ユーザセントリックな通信を実現するセルフリーネットワークアーキテクチャの確立
- 科研費基盤B KAKEN-B (FY 2022 – FY 2024, w/ Yokohama National Univ.)
- 無線通信の高速大容量化を加速する量子最適化
- (FY2020-) Technologies for Beyond 5G and 6G
- Tokyo GAS Co., Ltd
- スマートメータに関する共同研究
- Project about smart meters. Prof. Ishibashi is the head of this project, and this is a joint project with Prof. Fujii (director of AWCC).
- KDDI R&D Labs.
- 次世代セルラー通信網に関する共同研究
- Project about next-generation cellular systems.
Major Past Projects:
- 総務省「第5世代移動通信システムの更なる高度化に向けた研究開発」(FY2019-FY2022 w/ KDDI, ATR, KKE, Tohoku Univ, Panasonic )
- 技術課題ア「多様なサービス要求に応じた高信頼な高度5Gネットワーク制御技術の研究開発」
- Prof. Ishibashi is a leader of a sub-theme focusing on new physical layer and access control layer designs for Beyond 5G systems based on mmWave technologies.
- Horizon2020 5G Beyond (FY2018 – FY2020) [Link to Website]
- 稠密環境におけるモバイルブロードバンドアクセスネットワークの5Gによる高度化の研究開発 (5G-Enhance)
- 5G Enhanced Mobile Broadband Access Networks in Crowded Environments(5G-Enhance). EU-Japan joint project with VTT Techinical Research Centre of Finland, Fraunhofer, University Oulu, Accelleran, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Ehime CATV, NICT, and UEC.
- CREST (FY2016 – FY2019 – FY2021)
- (FY2020-) スーパースティープトランジスタによるレクテナと圧電トランスの融合によるRFエネルギーハーベスティング技術の実用化
- (- FY2019) Super SteepトランジスタとMeta Materialアンテナによる nW級環境RF発電技術の創出
- Research project about RF energy harvesting and wireless-powered communication. The head of this project is Prof. Koichiro Ishibashi (member of AWCC).
- KAKEN-A (FY 2018 – FY2020, w/ Hokkaido Univ., Osaka City Univ., and Osaka Univ.)
- 確率伝搬法による大規模・過負荷MIMO信号検出を用いた超多数IoTデバイスの収容
- Massive IoT Device Communications based on Belief Propagation Detector for Massive Overloaded MIMO Systems.
- KAKEN-A (FY 2016 – FY 2019, w/ Yokohama National Univ. and JAIST)
- 次世代移動通信の大容量化実現のための格子構造に基づく新しい情報伝送方式の研究
- Fundamental research project about lattice codes. A head of this project is Prof. Ochiai (Yokohama National Univ.).
- KAKEN-C (FY2016 – FY2018)
- 超多端末環境に適した多次元グラフ構造に基づく新たな媒体アクセス制御技術の研究
- Fundamental research project about graph-based MAC protocols. Prof. Ishibashi was a head of this project.
- KAKEN-A (FY 2015 – FY2017, w/ Hokkaido Univ., Kyoto Univ., and Osaka Univ.) – 大規模アナログ結合を有する2 部グラフ理論の確立 (Fundamental research project about large MIMO systems.).
- KAKEN-B (FY2012 – FY2014: Project on ultra-long life and highly-reliable wireless distributed networks)
- KAKEN-B (FY2009 – FY2011: Project on cooperative multihop networks)
- SCOPE (FY2018 – FY2018)
- 5Gにおける極限的周波数利用効率のためのフレーム非直交多元接続の研究開発
- Non-orthogonal multiple access technique based on frame theory for 5G. A head of this project was Prof. Giuseppe Abreu (Ritsumeikan Univ.).
- STARC Feasibility Study (FY2015 – FY2018) – Research project about efficient communications with energy harvesting capability. A head of this project is Prof. Koichiro Ishibashi (member of AWCC).
- SIP (Cross-ministerial Strategic Innovation Promotion Program, FY2014 – FY2016)
- DENSO (FY 2014 – FY2015:Project on machines-to-vehicular networks)
- SCOPE (FY2009 – FY2011: Project on ultra long life sensor networks based on cooperative communications)
- SCOPE (FY2013: Project on non-orthogonal multiple access)
- TOYOTA ITC-US (FY2011: Project on interference alignment)