Category Archives: Journal

Accepted for Publication in The IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications

以下の論文がIEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (IF 8.9)に採録されました。
大阪大学の高橋先生と石橋先生の共著論文「Bayesian Bilinear Inference for Joint Channel Tracking and Data Detection in Millimeter-Wave MIMO Systems」[詳細]

大阪大学の伊藤くんと石橋先生の共著論文「Joint Channel, CFO, and Data Estimation via Bayesian Inference for Multi-User MIMO-OFDM Systems」[詳細]

内村くんの論文「Joint Design of Equalization and Beamforming for Single-Carrier MIMO Transmission Over Millimeter-Wave and Sub-Terahertz Channels」[詳細]

上田くんの論文「Exploiting Low-Density Signal Structure via Approximate Message Passing With Side Information for Grant-Free NOMA」[詳細]

Following papers have been accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (IF 8.9).
Prof. Takahashi (Osaka Univ.) and Prof. Ishibashi’s paper entitled “Bayesian Bilinear Inference for Joint Channel Tracking and Data Detection in Millimeter-Wave MIMO Systems.” [available here]

K. Ito (Osaka Univ.) and Prof. Ishibashi’s paper entitled “Joint Channel, CFO, and Data Estimation via Bayesian Inference for Multi-User MIMO-OFDM Systems.” [available here]

Sota’s paper entitled “Joint Design of Equalization and Beamforming for Single-Carrier MIMO Transmission Over Millimeter-Wave and Sub-Terahertz Channels.” [available here]

Kohei’s paper entitled “Exploiting Low-Density Signal Structure via Approximate Message Passing With Side Information for Grant-Free NOMA.” [available here]

Accepted for Publication in the IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology

本研究室所属の内村くんの論文「Efficient Channel Tracking Based on Compressive Sensing for OFDM Millimeter-Wave Systems」がIEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (IF 6.8)に採録されました。[詳細]

Uchimura’s paper entitled “Efficient Channel Tracking Based on Compressive Sensing for OFDM Millimeter-Wave Systems” has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (IF 6.8). [available here]

Accepted for Publication in the IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology

本研究室所属のNannさんの論文「User-Centric Resource Allocation in Downlink Multi-Carrier NOMA System With Coexistence of URLLC and eMBB Users」がIEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (IF 6.8)に採録されました。[詳細]

Nann’s paper entitled “User-Centric Resource Allocation in Downlink Multi-Carrier NOMA System With Coexistence of URLLC and eMBB Users” has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (IF 6.8). [available here]

Accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications

本研究室の内村くん(博士1年)、Giuseppe Abreu教授(ドイツ・コンストラクタ大学)と石橋先生の共著論文「Blockage-Robust Hybrid Beamforming Enabling High Sum Rate for Millimeter-Wave OFDM Systems」がIEEE Trans.  Wireless Commun. (IF 10.4)に採録されました。[Early Access]

Our paper entitled “Blockage-Robust Hybrid Beamforming Enabling High Sum Rate for Millimeter-Wave OFDM Systems” has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Trans.  Wireless Commun. (IF 10.4). [Early Access]

Accepted for Publication in the IEEE Wireless Communication Letters

横浜国立大学の香月くんと石橋先生の共著論文「A New Noncoherent Gaussian Signaling Scheme for Low Probability of Detection Communications」がIEEE Wireless Commun. Lett. (IF 5.281)に採録されました。[詳細]

Our paper entitled “A New Noncoherent Gaussian Signaling Scheme for Low Probability of Detection Communications” has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Wireless Commun. Lett. (IF 5.281). [more]


本研究室所属の安藤くんの論文「User-Heterogeneous Cell-Free Massive MIMO Downlink and Uplink Beamforming via Tensor Decomposition」がIEEE Open Journal of the Communications Societyに採録されました。[詳細]

Kengo’s paper “User-Heterogeneous Cell-Free Massive MIMO Downlink and Uplink Beamforming via Tensor Decomposition” has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society. [available here]


本研究室所属の福榮くん,飯盛くんの論文「Joint Access Configuration and Beamforming for Cell-Free Massive MIMO Systems with Dynamic TDD」がIEEE Access (IF 3.367)に採録されました.

石橋先生,原くん,内村くんの論文「User-Centric Design of Millimeter Wave Communications for Beyond 5G and 6G (Invited Paper)」がIEICE Transaction on Communicationsに採録されました.

原くんの論文「Blind Multiple Measurement Vector AMP Based on Expectation Maximization for Grant-Free NOMA」がIEEE Wireless Communications Letters (IF 4.348) に採録されました.[詳細]

飯盛くんの論文「Joint Activity and Channel Estimation for Extra-Large MIMO Systems」がIEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (IF 7.016)に採録されました.[詳細]

卒業生の永井くんの論文「Signal Quality Improvement in Downlink Power Domain NOMA with Blind Nonlinear Compensator and Frequency Domain Equalizer」がIEICE Transactions on Communications に採録されました.

Shuto and Hiroki’s paper entitled “Joint Access Configuration and Beamforming for Cell-Free Massive MIMO Systems with Dynamic TDD” has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Access (IF 3.367).

Our paper entitled “User-Centric Design of Millimeter Wave Communications for Beyond 5G and 6G (Invited Paper)” has been accepted for publication in theIEICE Transaction on Communications.

Takanori’s paper entitled “Hyperparameter-Free Receiver for Grant-Free NOMA Systems with MIMO-OFDM” has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Wireless Communications Letters (IF 4.348) [available here]

Hiroki’s paper entitled “Joint Activity and Channel Estimation for Extra-Large MIMO Systems” has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (IF 7.016) [availble here]

Jun’s paper entitled “Signal Quality Improvement in Downlink Power Domain NOMA with Blind Nonlinear Compensator and Frequency Domain Equalizer”  has been accepted for publication in the IEICE Transactions on Communications.

Accepted for Publication in the IEEE Wireless Communications Letters

本研究室所属のアンドレくん,飯盛くんの論文「Low Latency Beam-Sweeping for Millimeter WaveSystems via Pessimistic Optimization」がIEEE Wireless Communications Letters (IF 4.348)に採録されました。

Andre and Hiroki’s paper entitled “Low Latency Beam-Sweeping for Millimeter WaveSystems via Pessimistic Optimization” has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Wireless Communications Letters (IF 4.348).

Accepted for Publication in the IEEE Access

本研究室所属の安藤くん,飯盛くんの論文「Uplink Signal Detection for Scalable Cell-Free Massive MIMO Systems with Robustness to Rate-Limited Fronthaul」がIEEE Access (IF 3.745)に採録されました。[詳細]

Kengo and Hiroki’s paper entitled “Uplink Signal Detection for Scalable Cell-Free Massive MIMO Systems with Robustness to Rate-Limited Fronthaul” has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Access (IF 3.745). [available  here]

Accepted for Publication in the IEEE Access

本研究室所属の原くん,卒業生の高橋くんの論文「Ambient OFDM Pilot-Aided Backscatter Communications: Concept and Design」がIEEE Access (IF 3.745)に採録されました。[詳細]

Takanori and Ryuhei’s paper entitled “Ambient OFDM Pilot-Aided Backscatter Communications: Concept and Design” has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Access (IF 3.745). [available  here]