Our member, Shogo Tanabe (left) and Takanori Hara (right) received the Meguro-Kai Award for their outstanding academic performances. Congrats.
Our member, Shogo Tanabe (left) and Takanori Hara (right) received the Meguro-Kai Award for their outstanding academic performances. Congrats.
Our new paper entitled “Wireless Power Transfer for Distributed Estimation in Sensor Networks” has been accepted for publication on IEEE journal on selected topics in signal processing. This is a joint work with V. V. Mai and Prof. Won-Yong Shin.
Our members, Shogo Tanabe, Ryo Tanabe, Manato Takai, and Shun Ogata have given presentations at SITA2016.
Besides, Prof. Koji Ishibashi has given a talk about communications with probabilistic power source at SITA workshop.
Title: Belief Propagation with Probabilistic Node Selection for Low-Complexity MIMO Signal Detection
Title: Design and Analysis of Wireless Sensor Networks Based on Receiver-Initiated MAC Protocol
Title: Repeat-Accumulate Signal Codes: Achieving High Reliability with Short-Length Codewords
Title: Joint Optimization of Target Degree and Code Degree Distribution for Coded Frameless ALOHA
M1執行彬秀君が3ヶ月間の、ドイツ Jacobs University Bremenへの留学に出発しました。
Our member, Yuki Goto, gave a presentation at Asilomar Signals, Systems, and Computers.
Title : Energy-Efficient Random Sleep Protocol based on Distributed Coding for Sensor-to-Vehicle Communications
Our members, Shogo Tanabe and Akihide D, Shigyo, have presented their recent results at ISITA2016.
Title: Not-So-Large MIMO Signal Detection Based on Damped QR-Decomposed Belief Propagation
Title: QR-Decomposed Generalized Belief Propagation for MIMO Detection
Our member, Ryosuke Tanaka, has started his 4-month visit to Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R) in Singapore with the aid of Singapore International Pre-Graduate Award (SIPGA).
M1 田中亮輔君がInternational Pre-Graduate Award (SIPGA)の助成を受けて,シンガポール Infocomm Research (I2R)での4ヶ月の短期留学を開始しました.
M1後藤 勇輝君がドイツ Jacobs University Bremenに、2ヶ月間留学します。またD1 尾形駿君も、同大学に1ヶ月間留学します。
Our paper “Robust Relay Selection for Large-Scale Energy Harvesting IoT Network” has been accepted for publication on IEEE IoT Journal.
川畑くんの論文「Robust Relay Selection for Large-Scale Energy Harvesting IoT Network」がIEEE IoT Journalに採録決定しました。
後藤くんがIEICE RCS研究会「はじめての研究会」にて、最優秀発表賞を受賞致しました。平成28年度の初めての研究会では29件の講演があり、10分の口頭発表および90分のポスター発表により審査が行われ、1件が最優秀発表賞、5件が優秀発表賞として表彰されました.
Our member, Yuki, received the Best Presentation Award of Special Session for Beginners at IEICE RCS conference. This year, 29 papers have been presented in the session. Every papers were evaluated through 10 mins short presentation and 90 mins poster presentation.
Title : Energy-Efficient Random Sleep Protocol based on Distributed Coding for Sensor-to-Vehicular Communications