Presented at IEICE RCS

本研究室の福榮くんが福岡県で開催されたIEICE 11月RCS研究会にて発表を行いました。

Our member, Shuto Fukue, gave a presentation at IEICE RCS conference held at Fukuoka, Japan.
The title of the presentation was “Network-Assisted Full-Duplex Millimeter-Wave Cell-Free Massive MIMO with Localization-Aided Inter-User Channel Estimation” [more]

Presented at CTW 2022

本研究室の協力研究員の原先生(東京理科大学)、安藤くん(ジェイコブス大学)がスペインで開催されたIEEE Communication Theory Workshop (CTW)にて発表を行いました。
原先生の発表題目は「Completely-Blind Multiple Measurement Vector AMP for Massive Grant-Free NOMA」、
安藤くんの発表題目は「Robust Tensor Decomposition for CF-mMIMO with Heterogeneous Users and Imperfect CSI」でした。

Our members,  Takanori and Kengo, gave a presentation at IEEE Communication Theory Workshop (CTW) held at Marbella, Spain.

The presentation given by Dr. T. Hara was titled “Completely-Blind Multiple Measurement Vector AMP for Massive Grant-Free NOMA.”
The presentation given by Mr. K. Ando was titled “Robust Tensor Decomposition for CF-mMIMO with Heterogeneous Users and Imperfect CSI.”

Presented at PIMRC 2022

本研究室の上田くんがオンラインで開催されたIEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC) 2022にて発表を行いました。
発表題目は「Iterative Activity Detection and Carrier Frequency Offset Estimation for Grant-Free NOMA」でした。

Our member, Kohei Ueda gave a presentation at IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC) 2022 held online.
The title of the presentation was “Iterative Activity Detection and Carrier Frequency Offset Estimation for Grant-Free NOMA”.

Presented at CISIS 2022

横浜国立大学の大塚くんがスペインで開催されたInternational Conference on Computational Intelligence in Security for Information Systems (CISIS) 2022にて,石橋先生との共著論文「Analysis of Secret Key Agreement Protocol for Massive MIMO Systems」について発表を行いました。

Mr. S. Otsuka and Prof. K. Ishibashi gave a presentation at International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Security for Information Systems (CISIS) 2022 held at Salamanca, Spain.
The title of the presentation was “Analysis of Secret Key Agreement Protocol for Massive MIMO Systems.”

Presented at IEICE RCS

本研究室の内村くんが北海道で開催されたIEICE 8月RCS研究会にて発表を行いました。

Our member, Sota Uchimura, gave a presentation at IEICE RCS conference held at Hokkaido, Japan.
The title of the presentation was “Design of Coordinated Multi-Point Beamforming for Millimeter-Wave OFDM With Random Blockage.” [more]


Our member, Ayaka, has presented a paper about wireless coded caching with cache-size heterogeneity at SPAWC 2022 at Oulu, Finland.

本研究室の浦部綾香さんがフィンランド オウルで開催されたSPAWC 2022にて符号化キャッシングに関する発表を行いました。

IEICE RCS Young Researcher Award

本研究室の磯野直樹くんがIEICE RCS研究会「初めての研究会」にて、優秀発表賞を受賞致しました。令和4年度の初めての研究会では29件の講演があり、10分の口頭発表および90分のポスター発表により審査が行われました.[詳細]

Our member, Naoki Isono, received the Young Researcher Award of Special Session for Beginners at IEICE RCS conference.  This year, 29 papers have been presented in the session. Every papers were evaluated through 10 mins short presentation and 90 mins poster presentation. [more]

2021 IEICE RCS Active Research Award


Our member, Kengo, received 2021 IEICE RCS Active Research Award. Congrats! [more]


本研究室所属の安藤くんの論文「User-Heterogeneous Cell-Free Massive MIMO Downlink and Uplink Beamforming via Tensor Decomposition」がIEEE Open Journal of the Communications Societyに採録されました。[詳細]

Kengo’s paper “User-Heterogeneous Cell-Free Massive MIMO Downlink and Uplink Beamforming via Tensor Decomposition” has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society. [available here]


本研究室所属の福榮くん,飯盛くんの論文「Joint Access Configuration and Beamforming for Cell-Free Massive MIMO Systems with Dynamic TDD」がIEEE Access (IF 3.367)に採録されました.

石橋先生,原くん,内村くんの論文「User-Centric Design of Millimeter Wave Communications for Beyond 5G and 6G (Invited Paper)」がIEICE Transaction on Communicationsに採録されました.

原くんの論文「Blind Multiple Measurement Vector AMP Based on Expectation Maximization for Grant-Free NOMA」がIEEE Wireless Communications Letters (IF 4.348) に採録されました.[詳細]

飯盛くんの論文「Joint Activity and Channel Estimation for Extra-Large MIMO Systems」がIEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (IF 7.016)に採録されました.[詳細]

卒業生の永井くんの論文「Signal Quality Improvement in Downlink Power Domain NOMA with Blind Nonlinear Compensator and Frequency Domain Equalizer」がIEICE Transactions on Communications に採録されました.

Shuto and Hiroki’s paper entitled “Joint Access Configuration and Beamforming for Cell-Free Massive MIMO Systems with Dynamic TDD” has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Access (IF 3.367).

Our paper entitled “User-Centric Design of Millimeter Wave Communications for Beyond 5G and 6G (Invited Paper)” has been accepted for publication in theIEICE Transaction on Communications.

Takanori’s paper entitled “Hyperparameter-Free Receiver for Grant-Free NOMA Systems with MIMO-OFDM” has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Wireless Communications Letters (IF 4.348) [available here]

Hiroki’s paper entitled “Joint Activity and Channel Estimation for Extra-Large MIMO Systems” has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (IF 7.016) [availble here]

Jun’s paper entitled “Signal Quality Improvement in Downlink Power Domain NOMA with Blind Nonlinear Compensator and Frequency Domain Equalizer”  has been accepted for publication in the IEICE Transactions on Communications.

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