All posts by d-wise-lab

Presented at IEICE RCS @ Miyakojima

本研究室の原くん、岡部くん、廣澤くんが宮古島にて開催されたIEICE RCS研究会にて発表を行いました。


Our members, Takanori, Ryo, and Naoya, have presented their recent results in IEICE RCS conference held at Miyakojima, Okinawa.
There were 52 presentations given by beginners at “Special Sessions for Beginners”, in both 10 mins oral presentation and 80 mins poster session.
In addition, 12 general and invited sessions were made.

Takanori presented at a general session, while Ryo and Naoya presented  at “Special Sessions for Beginners”.

Title: Channel Estimation and Data Detection for Grant-Free Multiple Access Using Vector Approximate Message Passing

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Title: A Study on Energy-Efficient Design of Irregular Repetition Slotted ALOHA with Stochastic Power Control


Title: A Study on Age-of-Information Minimization in Two-User Multiple Access Channel with Energy Harvesting


2018 IEICE RCS Active Research Award

Our member, Kazuya, received 2018 IEICE RCS Active Research Award. Congrats!

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Presented at WCNC

Prof. Ishibashi and our lab members attended IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) held at Marrakesh, Morocco. [link]


Our members, Takanori, Hiroki and Ryuhei presented their recent works.

Title: On the Sum-Rate Capacity and Spectral Efficiency Gains of Massively Concurrent NOMA System

Title: Transmission Strategies in Imperfect Bi-directional Full-Duplex MIMO Systems

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Title: Design of Communication Systems for Wireless-Powered Communications with Multiple Frequency Bands



平成30年度 学生表彰


Our members, Shun, Kazuya, Tatsuhiro and Masaru were awarded for their outstanding academic performance.


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(From left to right: Shun, Masaru, Tatsuhiro, Kazuya)

Accepted for Publication in the IEEE Access

Shun’s paper entitled “Application of ZigZag Decoding in Frameless ALOHA” has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Access (IF 3.557). Congrats.

尾形くんの論文「Application of ZigZag Decoding in Frameless ALOHA」のIEEE Access (IF 3.557) への採録が決定しました.おめでとうございます.

The 34th Telecommunications Advancement Foundation Award

Shun received the 34th Telecommunications Advancement Foundation Award.

尾形くんが、2018年度電気通信普及財団賞テレコムシステム技術学生賞 最優秀賞を受賞しました。
受賞論文:Shun Ogata, Koji Ishibashi, and Giuseppe T. F. de Abreu, “Optimized Frameless ALOHA for Cooperative Base Stations with Overlapped Coverage Areas,” IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 17, no. 11, pp. 7486-7499

2018 Special Technical Award in Smart Radio

Kawaguchi, Tanabe, and Ishibashi won 2018 Special Technical Award in Smart Radio.

川口、田邉、石橋が、2019年3月8日に神奈川県横須賀市で開催された電子情報通信学会スマート無線(SR)研究会において、2018年度スマート無線(SR)研究会 技術特別賞を受賞しました。

[技術展示] Energy-Neutral Receiver-Initiated (ENRI) MACプロトコルに基づくバッテリーレス無線センサネットワーク

Presented at SITA 2018

Prof. Ishibashi and our lab members attended 41st Symposium on Information Theory and its Application (SITA) at Fukushima, Japan.

Prof. Ishibashi gave an invited talk titled “Theory and Practice of Wireless Communications with Stochastic Power Source” for “Lectures for Young Researchers”.

Our members, Shun, Kazuya, Tatsuhiro, and Takanori also presented their recent works.


