Our members, Takanori, Kazuya, Ryuhei and Masaru were awarded for their outstanding academic performance.
Our members, Takanori, Kazuya, Ryuhei and Masaru were awarded for their outstanding academic performance.
Our members, Masaru Oinaga (right) and Ryota Yatsu (left) received the Meguro-kai Award for their outstanding academic performances. Congrats.
Prof. Ishibashi and our lab members attended IEEE International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN) held at Barcelona, Spain. [link]
Our members, Takanori, and Masaru presented their recent works.
Title: Grant-Free NOMA Using Approximate Message Passing with Multi-Measurement Vector
Title: Received-Power-Aware Frameless ALOHA for Grant-Free Non-orthogonal Multiple Access
Our members, Takanori, Hiroki, Masaru, and Ryuhei have presented their recent works in 42nd Symposium on Information Theory and its Application (SITA) at Kirishima, Kagoshima, Japan.
Takanori’s Presentation Title:
Low-Complexity Grant-Free Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access Based on Approximate Message Passing
Hiroki’s Presentation Title:
Design of Discreteness-Aware Linear MMSE Filter
Masaru’s Presentation Title:
On ZigZag-Decoder-Aided Coded Slotted ALOHA
超低電力通信のための OFDM 既知信号を用いた
Ryuhei’s Presentation Title:
OFDM Pilot-Aided Delay-Shift Keying and
Its Optimal Detection for Ultra-Low Power Communications
Masaru’s paper entitled “Design of Coded ALOHA with ZigZag Decoder” has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Access (IF 4.098).
追永くんの論文「Design of Coded ALOHA with ZigZag Decoder」のIEEE Access (IF 4.098) への採録が決定しました.
Our member, Masaru, has presented our recent results on 6th International Workshop on Smart Wireless Communications (SmartCom) held at Rutgers University Inn & Conference Center, NJ, USA.
Title of the poster presentation was “Received-Power-Aware Frameless ALOHA for Grant-Free Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access.” [more]
Our members, Shun, Kazuya, Tatsuhiro and Masaru were awarded for their outstanding academic performance.
(From left to right: Shun, Masaru, Tatsuhiro, Kazuya)
Prof. Ishibashi gave an invited keynote talk titled “Machines Talk Freely: Graph-based Design for Distributed Wireless Communications” at 15th Workshop on Positioning, Navigation and Communications (WPNC) held at Bremen, Germany.
Our members, Shun, Kazuya and Masaru also presented their recent results.
Title: Coded Frameless ALOHA
Title: Aggregate-Compression-Aided Subcarrier IQ Index Modulation
Title: ZigZag Decodable Coded Slotted ALOHA
大比良和哉くん(左)がIEICE RCS研究会「初めての研究会」にて、最優秀発表賞を、追永 大くん(右)が優秀発表賞(第2位)をそれぞれ受賞致しました。平成30年度の初めての研究会では過去最多の39件の講演があり、10分の口頭発表および90分のポスター発表により審査が行われ、1件が最優秀発表賞、5件が優秀発表賞として表彰されました.学会および表彰の様子はコチラ
Our member, Kazuya Ohira (left), received the Best Presentation Award of Special Session for Beginners at IEICE RCS conference and Masaru Oinaga (right) received the Excellent Presentation Award (2nd position). This year, 39 papers have been presented in the session. Every papers were evaluated through 10 mins short presentation and 90 mins poster presentation.