Tag Archives: Takanori_Hara


本研究室の原くん(現: 東京理科大学)が、2022年度電気通信普及財団テレコムシステム技術学生賞を受賞しました.[詳細]
受賞論文:Blind Multiple Measurement Vector AMP Based on Expectation Maximization for Grant-Free NOMA

Dr. T. Hara received the 38th Telecommunications Advancement Foundation Award.[more]
Title : Blind Multiple Measurement Vector AMP Based on Expectation Maximization for Grant-Free NOMA

Presented at CTW 2022

本研究室の協力研究員の原先生(東京理科大学)、安藤くん(ジェイコブス大学)がスペインで開催されたIEEE Communication Theory Workshop (CTW)にて発表を行いました。
原先生の発表題目は「Completely-Blind Multiple Measurement Vector AMP for Massive Grant-Free NOMA」、
安藤くんの発表題目は「Robust Tensor Decomposition for CF-mMIMO with Heterogeneous Users and Imperfect CSI」でした。

Our members,  Takanori and Kengo, gave a presentation at IEEE Communication Theory Workshop (CTW) held at Marbella, Spain.

The presentation given by Dr. T. Hara was titled “Completely-Blind Multiple Measurement Vector AMP for Massive Grant-Free NOMA.”
The presentation given by Mr. K. Ando was titled “Robust Tensor Decomposition for CF-mMIMO with Heterogeneous Users and Imperfect CSI.”


本研究室所属の福榮くん,飯盛くんの論文「Joint Access Configuration and Beamforming for Cell-Free Massive MIMO Systems with Dynamic TDD」がIEEE Access (IF 3.367)に採録されました.

石橋先生,原くん,内村くんの論文「User-Centric Design of Millimeter Wave Communications for Beyond 5G and 6G (Invited Paper)」がIEICE Transaction on Communicationsに採録されました.

原くんの論文「Blind Multiple Measurement Vector AMP Based on Expectation Maximization for Grant-Free NOMA」がIEEE Wireless Communications Letters (IF 4.348) に採録されました.[詳細]

飯盛くんの論文「Joint Activity and Channel Estimation for Extra-Large MIMO Systems」がIEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (IF 7.016)に採録されました.[詳細]

卒業生の永井くんの論文「Signal Quality Improvement in Downlink Power Domain NOMA with Blind Nonlinear Compensator and Frequency Domain Equalizer」がIEICE Transactions on Communications に採録されました.

Shuto and Hiroki’s paper entitled “Joint Access Configuration and Beamforming for Cell-Free Massive MIMO Systems with Dynamic TDD” has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Access (IF 3.367).

Our paper entitled “User-Centric Design of Millimeter Wave Communications for Beyond 5G and 6G (Invited Paper)” has been accepted for publication in theIEICE Transaction on Communications.

Takanori’s paper entitled “Hyperparameter-Free Receiver for Grant-Free NOMA Systems with MIMO-OFDM” has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Wireless Communications Letters (IF 4.348) [available here]

Hiroki’s paper entitled “Joint Activity and Channel Estimation for Extra-Large MIMO Systems” has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (IF 7.016) [availble here]

Jun’s paper entitled “Signal Quality Improvement in Downlink Power Domain NOMA with Blind Nonlinear Compensator and Frequency Domain Equalizer”  has been accepted for publication in the IEICE Transactions on Communications.

Accepted for Publication in the IEEE Access

本研究室所属の原くん,卒業生の高橋くんの論文「Ambient OFDM Pilot-Aided Backscatter Communications: Concept and Design」がIEEE Access (IF 3.745)に採録されました。[詳細]

Takanori and Ryuhei’s paper entitled “Ambient OFDM Pilot-Aided Backscatter Communications: Concept and Design” has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Access (IF 3.745). [available  here]

Accepted for Publication in the IEEE Access

本研究室の飯盛くん,原くんの論文「A Stochastic Gradient Descent Approach for Hybrid MmWave Beamforming with Blockage and CSI-Error Robustness」がIEEE Access (IF 3.745)に採録されました。[詳細]

Hiroki and Takanori’s paper entitled “A Stochastic Gradient Descent Approach for Hybrid MmWave Beamforming with Blockage and CSI-Error Robustness” has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Access (IF 3.745). [available  here]

令和2年度 学生表彰


Our members, Takanori, Naoya, Jun and Ryota were awarded for their outstanding academic performance.

Presented at IEICE Society Conference @ Online


Our members, Takanori, and Ryo, gave a presentation at IEICE Society conference held online.
The title given by Takanori was titled “Hyperparameter-Free Receiver for OFDM-based Grant-Free Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access”.
The title given by Ryo was titled “Low-Complexity Robust Coordinated Multi-Point Based on Blockage Prediction for Millimeter-Wave Systems”. 

Young Researcher Paper Award

本研究室の原くんが情報理論とその応用シンポジウム若手研究者論文賞(Symposium on Information Theory and its Applications Young Researcher Paper Award)を受賞しました.[詳細]

Our member, Takanori Hara received the Symposium on Information Theory and its Applications Young Researcher Paper Award. [more]

Presented at ICC 2020 Workshop

本研究室の原くんがオンラインで開催されたIEEE ICC 2020 Workshop – Non-Orthogonal Multiple Accessにて発表を行いました。
発表題目は「Activity Detection for Uplink Grant-Free NOMA in the Presence of Carrier Frequency Offsets」でした。

Our member, Takanori gave a presentation at IEEE ICC 2020 Workshop – Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access held online.
The title of the presentation was “Activity Detection for Uplink Grant-Free NOMA in the Presence of Carrier Frequency Offsets”

2019 IEICE RCS Active Research Award

本研究室の原くんが2019年度電子情報通信学会 無線通信システム(RCS)研究会奨励賞(2019 IEICE RCS Active Research Award)を受賞しました.[詳細]

Our member, Takanori Hara received the 2019 IEICE RCS Active Research Award.[more]