All posts by d-wise-lab

Presented at RCS @ Hakodate

Our member, Kazuya, has presented our recent results on a conference of Technical Committee on Radio Communication Systems (RCS) held at Hakodate, Japan.
Title of the presentation was “Aggregate-Compression-Aided Subcarrier IQ Index Modulation with Discreteness-Aware Approximate Message Passing”.


Best Presentation Award at IEICE RCS

大比良和哉くん(左)がIEICE RCS研究会「初めての研究会」にて、最優秀発表賞を、追永 大くん(右)が優秀発表賞(第2位)をそれぞれ受賞致しました。平成30年度の初めての研究会では過去最多の39件の講演があり、10分の口頭発表および90分のポスター発表により審査が行われ、1件が最優秀発表賞、5件が優秀発表賞として表彰されました.学会および表彰の様子はコチラ

Our member, Kazuya Ohira (left), received the Best Presentation Award of Special Session for Beginners at IEICE RCS conference and Masaru Oinaga (right) received the Excellent Presentation Award (2nd position).  This year, 39 papers have been presented in the session. Every papers were evaluated through 10 mins short presentation and 90 mins poster presentation.

Horizon 2020 – 5G and Beyond

戦略的情報通信研究開発推進事業(国際標準獲得型研究開発) 日欧共同研究5G(アプリケーション)に、AWCC(藤井研究室、石橋(功)研究室、安達研究室)の提案が採択されました。

研究課題開発名「稠密環境におけるモバイルブロードバンド アクセスネットワークの5Gによる高度化の 研究開発(5G-Enhance)」

Our project has been selected as EU-Japan Joint Project of Horizon 2020 – 5G and Beyond. A title of the project is “5G Enhanced Mobile Broadband Access Networks in Crowded Environments (5G-Enhance)”.

Awarded for Outstanding Academic Performances.


Our members, Akihide D. Shigyo (right) and Ryuhei Takahashi (left) received the Meguro-kai Award for their outstanding academic performances. Congrats.


Visitors from Norway

35 students, 1 postdoc, and 2 professors from Norwegian University of Science and Technology visited our research center. Students actively asked good questions, and we had a good time.


Visitors from Korea

Members of CNN laboratory in Dankook University and Prof. Won-Yong Shin are now visiting our laboratory. They will stay two weeks for collaboration. Welcome!!

韓国Dankook大学の通信ネットワーク研究所のWon-Yong Shin教授と学生4名が共同研究のため,本研究室に2週間滞在します.

Presented at SITA2017


Our members, Shun, Ryo, and Yuki, have presented their recent results at 40th Symposium on Information Theory and its Application (SITA) at Shibata, Niigata.

Title: Distance-Aware Design of Transmission Probability for Frameless ALOHA

Title: Receiver-Initiated MAC Protocol with Distributed Intermittent-Interval Control Based on Energy Inflow-Outflow

Title: A Study on Energy-Efficient Random Sleep Protocol Based on Distributed Coding in Practical Environment