Our members, Takanori, Kazuya, Ryuhei and Masaru were awarded for their outstanding academic performance.
Our members, Takanori, Kazuya, Ryuhei and Masaru were awarded for their outstanding academic performance.
本研究室の大比良くん、原くんが広島市青少年センターにて開催されたIEICE RCS研究会にて発表を行いました。
Our members, Kazuya and Takanori, gave a presentation at IEICE RCS Conference held at Hiroshima City Youth Center, Hiroshima, Japan.
The presentation given by Kazuya, which was an encouragement presentat, was titled “Aggregate-Compression-Aided Subcarrier IQ Index Modulation With Discreteness-Aware Fast Iterative Shrinkage-Thresholding Algorithm.” [more]
The presentation given by Takanori was titled “Active User Detection for Uplink Grant-Free Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access in The Presence of Carrier Frequency Offsets.”[more]
Prof. Ishibashi and our lab members attended IEEE International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN) held at Barcelona, Spain. [link]
Our members, Takanori, and Masaru presented their recent works.
Title: Grant-Free NOMA Using Approximate Message Passing with Multi-Measurement Vector
Title: Received-Power-Aware Frameless ALOHA for Grant-Free Non-orthogonal Multiple Access
本研究室の原くんが徳島大学にて開催されたIEICE RCS研究会にて発表を行いました。
Our member, Takanori, gave a presentation at IEICE RCS Conference held at Tokushima University, Tokushima, Japan.
Title of the presentation was “A Study on Active User Detection and Channel Estimation for Grant-Free Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access based on OFDM.”[more]
Our members, Takanori, Hiroki, Masaru, and Ryuhei have presented their recent works in 42nd Symposium on Information Theory and its Application (SITA) at Kirishima, Kagoshima, Japan.
Takanori’s Presentation Title:
Low-Complexity Grant-Free Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access Based on Approximate Message Passing
Hiroki’s Presentation Title:
Design of Discreteness-Aware Linear MMSE Filter
Masaru’s Presentation Title:
On ZigZag-Decoder-Aided Coded Slotted ALOHA
超低電力通信のための OFDM 既知信号を用いた
Ryuhei’s Presentation Title:
OFDM Pilot-Aided Delay-Shift Keying and
Its Optimal Detection for Ultra-Low Power Communications
Takanori’s paper entitled “Grant-Free Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access with Multiple-Antenna Base Station and Its Efficient Receiver Design” has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Access (IF 4.098).
原くんの論文「Grant-Free Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access with Multiple-Antenna Base Station and Its Efficient Receiver Design」のIEEE Access (IF 4.098) への採録が決定しました.
本研究室の原くんが佐賀大学にて開催されたIEICE RCS研究会にて発表を行いました。
発表題目は「グラントフリー非直交多元接続のための低計算量データ検出法に関する一検討 」でした。[詳細]
Our member, Takanori, gave a presentation at IEICE RCS held at Saga University, Saga, Japan.
Title of the presentation was “A Study on Low-Complexity Data Detection for Grant-Free Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access .”[more]
Our member, Takanori, gave a presentation at Asilomar Signals, Systems, and Computers.
The title of the presentation was “Low Complexity Uplink Grant-Free NOMA Based on Boosted Approximate Message Passing.”
本研究室の原くんが横須賀リサーチパーク (YRP)にて開催されたIEICE RCS研究会にて発表を行いました。
発表題目は「ベクトル近似メッセージ伝播法を用いたグラントフリー非直交多元接続の理論解析 」でした。[詳細]
Our member, Takanori, gave a presentation at IEICE RCS held at YRP Yokosuka Research Park, Japan.
Title of the presentation was “Theoretical Analysis on Grant-Free Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access Using Vector Approximate Message Passing.”[more]