All posts by d-wise-lab

Accepted for Publication in the IEEE TCOM

Manato’s paper entitled “Repeat-Accumulate Signal Codes” has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Communications (IF 4.671). Congrats.

高井くんの論文「Repeat-Accumulate Signal Codes」のIEEE Transactions on Communications (IF 4.671) への採録が決定しました.おめでとうございます.

Presented at ISTC 2018

Our member, Takanori, has presented our recent results on International Symposium on Turbo Codes & Iterative Information Processing (ISTC) held at Hong Kong, China.

Title: Low-Complexity Generator Polynomial Search for Turbo-Trellis-Coded Spatial Modulation Using Symbol-based EXIT-ChartsImage from iOS

Presented at SmartCom 2018

Our member, Tatsuhiro, has presented our recent results on 5th International Workshop on Smart Wireless Communications (SmartCom) held at Bangkok, Thailand.

Title of the poster presentation was “Empirical Model of Distributed Photovoltaics for Energy-Harvesting Wireless Communications”.

Presented at WPNC 2018

Prof. Ishibashi gave an invited keynote talk titled “Machines Talk Freely: Graph-based Design for Distributed Wireless Communications” at 15th Workshop on Positioning, Navigation and Communications (WPNC) held at Bremen, Germany.

スクリーンショット 2018-12-17 16.45.04.png
Our members, Shun, Kazuya and Masaru also presented their recent results.

Title: Coded Frameless ALOHAIMG_2685.JPG

Title: Aggregate-Compression-Aided Subcarrier IQ Index Modulation

Title: ZigZag Decodable Coded Slotted ALOHA

Accepted for publication in the IEEE TWC

Shun’s paper entitled “Optimized Frameless ALOHA for Cooperative Base Stations with Overlapped Coverage Areas” has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (IF 5.888). Congrats.

尾形くんの論文「Optimized Frameless ALOHA for Cooperative Base Stations with Overlapped Coverage Areas」のIEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (IF 5.888) への採録が決定しました.おめでとう.